Starving Artist

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I'm a senior in highschool with an unhealthy love for illustration and comic books. My ispiration comes from surrealism, but lately my interests in psychology and art therapy have been a raging force in the subject matter of my work.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Concentration 2

As his young imagination sores you can see it being reflected in the Book store window as he takes flight along side old world war 2 fighter jets. I tried to incorperate heavy shadows into the clouds and give the apperence of explotions. the chaos does tend to draw attention away from the center plane with the kid in it. I put the awning in so it appered to be a window.


  1. I think this work is very successful because it incorporates both the real and the imaginary worlds of the young boy. The work is excecuted very precisly and the values of the colors make the work very rich and interesting. The only thing I would addis maybe a sidewalk to ground the picture. The awning helps but I still feel like the image is floating a bit.

  2. Sarah- Well done. Please use the critique sheet when writing about your artwork. I want to read about what risks you took, how you focused on design, etc. I see this sheet is not on my website so I will update this soon for you to access when writing about your work!
    I think your concept for the concentration is strong. I want you to make sure that there is an obvious correlation between the child's reality and the dreams. You have it here but I think the "reality" part of your art could be defined more clearly through sharper edges so that it stands out from the surrounding objects. You could also work on the Barnes and Nobles writing by studying what text the company uses and trying to mimic it more precisely. I also would like to see you think back to the design structures we studied last year and determine how you could incorporate greater structure in your paintings for a stronger composition. I think your focus is moving in the right direction and I am pleased with your progress so far!
