Starving Artist

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I'm a senior in highschool with an unhealthy love for illustration and comic books. My ispiration comes from surrealism, but lately my interests in psychology and art therapy have been a raging force in the subject matter of my work.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

concentration #11

This image is a lot bigger than what I'm used to. I had the idea for something like this for awhile now. I really wanted to concentrate on transformation of the imagination. Instead of using my regular watercolors i used markers and other types of paint. I tried to make the colors softer and the lines crisp. I still don't know about the castle or that white space that's really bugging me but this is probably my best piece.


  1. I like how the left side of the composition is less developed than the right. It gives the piece some balance. I like where this takes your concentration because it develops your idea further I believe.

  2. This piece is one of your best- I love the transition from realism to fantasy. Although I wish you would add more branches extending from her hair, the composition is pretty good. Nice work!

  3. Great job! You are taking greater risks and seem to be doing a much better job getting your thoughts out onto paper in a visually cohesive manner. I know everyone in the class was very happy to see this large piece that was much more expressive!
