Starving Artist

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I'm a senior in highschool with an unhealthy love for illustration and comic books. My ispiration comes from surrealism, but lately my interests in psychology and art therapy have been a raging force in the subject matter of my work.

Friday, November 20, 2009

concentration #10

I wanted to go bigger with my concentration and with the layout of the picture i think it worked out nicely. I used a gradation of color (from blue to black) just to ease into the night sky rather than having it change immediately. the sun is the light bulb, which needs to change because it doesn't look like a sun at all. I have to fix some proportional stuff, but all in all I like the outer space ceiling. I also believe that the character stands out well for the first time.


  1. This one is good but could be alot better if you spent some more time on it. You should continue developing the upper part of this piece- the earth looks really good, but the other aspects are lacking. Also, you should define the shapes in the bottom part of the picture a little better.

  2. Sarah-I'm really glad you decided to go bigger for this one...your next two concentrations should be this size, at least (in my opinion). I do feel like some things are out of proportion in this piece..such as the person compared to the bed/table/etc. But it's actually not a big deal...because your drawing style is not totally realistic, it's not too much of a problem. Maybe something to think about. I like your creativity in this one, I would just develop that galaxy thing to the left. Good risk-taking and keep it up!

  3. This is Bob and Bahar using Ross' sign in. We reviewed all your work and liked the mix of reality and fantasy. The contrast is striking in color, structure and expression. One side is all vivid and the other side all stoic. Are your figures charged with meaning? They look more symbolic than realistic. Thanks for sharing your blog with us.
    Bob and Bahar

  4. Much improved! It is refreshing to see a larger piece and your challenge to illustrate yourself in your bedroom. I would develop the galaxy a bit more simply by drawing back tinot it and focusing on layering your marks. Way to go!
