Starving Artist

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I'm a senior in highschool with an unhealthy love for illustration and comic books. My ispiration comes from surrealism, but lately my interests in psychology and art therapy have been a raging force in the subject matter of my work.

Friday, December 10, 2010

concentration #10

This is multiple personality disorder, in which there can be up to 15 different personalities! Each personality takes on a different tone, posture, and attitude which defines them. The position of each portrait was inspired by the repetition of congruent mirrors. By putting the camera on a timer I was able to capture five different view points of the face, but used only four in order to maintain balance. Each self portrait is painted with a primary color and its' compliment. I'm still undecided about the background, but I've been entertaining the idea of broken glass. The main principle of art used is unity/variety and the medium is acrylic paint with prisma marker shadows.


  1. I like that each face is a different color, and that the red face is cut off. You did a good job of making them look extreme. I think broken glass would add to the feeling of mental chaos. You need to work back into the hand on the main girl's head and the wrist on the yellow girl looks kind of distorted in proportion, but perhaps its supposed to be distorted. Maybe you could make the figures look less real by having them falling apart or something, but the broken glass would make them look like illusions as well.

  2. I think this piece works well because of its clarity. I see the multiple personality disorder clearly. I like the top picture with the crack in the mirror because I think it says the girl in the picture is angry at her other personalities. The only improvement I could think of would be to maybe go back into the yellow girls hair/ hairline and clean the background up a little bit.

  3. Excellent work! This is your most creative piece yet and you should feel really good about it! Two suggestions: 1. I would thicken and angle the width of the wrist leaning on the counter as it looks a bit separated from the body. If the arm is going straight up - it is too short to be in proportion to the body 2. Using a darker pen or charcoal, etc. I would redraw into the background slightly to add some darker edges and allow those objects to come forward just a bit more in the picture plane.

    Great job!

  4. this is so scary, but in a good way! It is so creative and different! You can really get a sense of the mental disorder you are trying to portray! great work!!
