Starving Artist

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I'm a senior in highschool with an unhealthy love for illustration and comic books. My ispiration comes from surrealism, but lately my interests in psychology and art therapy have been a raging force in the subject matter of my work.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Concentration #11

Hallucinations are extremely common in many peoples lives. You may hear a phone ring or see a shadow move in the corner of your eye, but these hallucinations can be due to stress. On the hand sometimes people report vivid perceptions of voices, sights, sounds, and smells that only they can perceive. I used extremely watered down acrylic paint and let it free form on the matt board. After it dried I used some special pens to create the face and then combined multiple structures to transition the face into the hallucination.

1 comment:

  1. I really like what you've done here sarah! whenever I think of hallucinations I think of really trippy stuff and I think you accomplished that here with all of your different colors and the drippy effect you had in your paints. Maybe just develop the face a little more on the right side and tie her into the designs next to her a little more.
