Starving Artist

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I'm a senior in highschool with an unhealthy love for illustration and comic books. My ispiration comes from surrealism, but lately my interests in psychology and art therapy have been a raging force in the subject matter of my work.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Concentration #12

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). With this piece I drew the entire portrait to start and then, with very small blade, I cut the entire board into little squares. The back ground was a piece of cake in comparison, one sheet of water color paper soaked with water so that the water colors applied would look free form. I'm still working out where to add the hands in this piece. Essentially the hands will be trying to fix the squares which are of different sizes, and attempt to put them back in place.


  1. I like where you are going with this! The hands will really bring the piece together. You may even want to number the squares or put letters on them or color code them... so it would be like the girl is trying to put them back in order? I feel like you need something to really overstate her compulsion/obsession.

  2. Good start to this assignment Sarah! You are definitely trying to take on a big idea in this piece. Be careful that it doesn't become so complex that you have difficulty finishing it! I agree with Georgia's idea above that if you can overstate the organization aspect, it may help you communicate more clearly what it is you are trying to say.
