Starving Artist

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I'm a senior in highschool with an unhealthy love for illustration and comic books. My ispiration comes from surrealism, but lately my interests in psychology and art therapy have been a raging force in the subject matter of my work.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Charcoal has never been my first choice in art, but I'm happy with the result. I was inspired by Matt Manley when it came to the frames (google him if you must). The different perspectives on the skeletons remind me of Siamese twins. The bottom half of the drawing is a bit under developed and the hip bone is unshaded. I fully intend on fixing that.....later. I planed it out before I started working so that there would be a sense of composition and thought. I'm unsure of the contrast between objects weather it needs darkening or not.


  1. Sarah-I think this piece really works. Your ideas with multiple perspectives are unique and intriguing, and you used design really well through repetition of the frames around the skeleton. I think it would be better if you extended the skeleton by drawing its looks a little awkward ending abruptly at the spine. You could also improve contrast in the background. Awesome job!

  2. I like the composition of this- it is very balances while still interesting. I think there should be a wider range of value in the piece though. Maybe you could also work back in with some interesting marks to make the piece more complete.
