Starving Artist

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I'm a senior in highschool with an unhealthy love for illustration and comic books. My ispiration comes from surrealism, but lately my interests in psychology and art therapy have been a raging force in the subject matter of my work.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I want to fix this in photoshop to make the transition smooth between the wave and the butterflies.


  1. i really like the butterflies in this and i would have wanted to see more of a focus on them because they were so interestingly made. maybe the wave overpowers them too much? i'm also a little confused with the mountain peak as the center of the piece

  2. Sarah- This is an interesting piece and I like where you are going with it. I have a few suggestions... 1) I think you lost sight of your vision for the butterflies and I would like to see you go back to that - what is it that you are trying to express? Do you want the butterflies to metamorphosis into the wave and turn into water droplets, as an example? 2) I'm not sure about the mountain, I know that you were inspired by the famous Japanese wood cut with this subject but rather than have the mountain, why not have the butterflies go up the wave and get spit back out in an interesting way? 3) You have handled mark-making a confident way in this artwork. Use it to your advantage and perhaps draw and paint more butterflies into the work?
